Another Bishop Who Won't Be At Lambeth
Almighty God, by whose grace and power your holy martyr Archbishop Paulos Faraj Rahho triumphed over suffering and was faithful even to death: Grant us, who now remember him in thanksgiving, to be so faithful in our witness to you in this world, that we may receive with him the crown of life; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
AP: Archbishop's Body Found in Iraq
Pray for peace among the people of Iraq and the Middle East and for our Christian sisters and brothers persecuted there for the sake of His Name.
Pray we the Church, seared by the Gospel flame, repent of our prideful division and, in honor preferring one another, be Christ's healing hands and heart in a broken world.
Pray for all who call out from the depths and that our clattering strife not muffle their cries.
Pray we be extravagant to forgive.
Kyrie eleison
Christe eleison
Kyrie eleison